Whether you’re in need of consulting or hands-on services, we will help you reach your practice goals.

Our Services Include 


Medical Practice Consulting

We come in and evaluate your practice with an expert eye.

Practice Management

We help ease the struggle of day-to-day operations.  We offer and help implement suggestions to make the office run smooth.

Staff Training & Education

We make sure your staff stays current on safety standards, federal regulations, and insurance requirements.  We help train your staff to be knowledgable on the front desk and with strong office policies to ensure your practice runs efficiently and effectively.

Medical Coding

We make sure the medical codes tell the whole story of the patient's encounter with the physician and are as specific as possible in capturing reimbursement for rendered services. 

Revenue Cycle Management

We identify, track, collect, and manage incoming payments for services provided. The RCM process plays an essential role in maintaining financial viability and providing exceptional service.

Provider Credentialing & Enrollment

We use a process of verifying the professional qualifications, background, skills, and competency of medical providers that is required by most locations of care and health insurance companies, to insure that when we apply, the provider is approved. (CAQH review and update) 

Medical Billing & AR Cleanup

We process the creating and submitting of claims to insurance companies or patients for the services provided by health care providers to insure accurate and timely reimbursement.  We also handle denied claims to ensure reimbursement.